Dias Sobrinho, JoséGuerra, Enio Marcio MaiaGuerra, Enio Marcio Maia2023-05-092023-05-092009https://repositorio.uniso.br/handle/uniso/449This study attempts to develop a reflection on the violence in the context of school sports courts, more specifically about football. Violence is understood as a historical and social event with multiple and complex surfaces, which interacts with the school ambient. This is a study of some violence of professional football and its reflections in the school environment, because of the influence of television sports media. It also discusses the symbolic violence, concrete and intermediary, expressed during the sports in a private school in the city of Santana de Parnaiba of medium and high socioeconomic level, residents of condominiums frequented by Alphaville and Tamboré. We strive to know the reality in the qualitative study, also with lifting of quantitative data. We review the manifestations of violence at school, examining the attacks seeking to understand the projections of violence in television sports media in this school. We also consider the violence of the teacher, during which these activities have confused his role with the referee, sometimes taking it and so, being designed by students, bringing to this time the representations of what could follow, especially through television.This study attempts to develop a reflection on the violence in the context of school sports courts, more specifically about football. Violence is understood as a historical and social event with multiple and complex surfaces, which interacts with the school ambient. This is a study of some violence of professional football and its reflections in the school environment, because of the influence of television sports media. It also discusses the symbolic violence, concrete and intermediary, expressed during the sports in a private school in the city of Santana de Parnaiba of medium and high socioeconomic level, residents of condominiums frequented by Alphaville and Tamboré. We strive to know the reality in the qualitative study, also with lifting of quantitative data. We review the manifestations of violence at school, examining the attacks seeking to understand the projections of violence in television sports media in this school. We also consider the violence of the teacher, during which these activities have confused his role with the referee, sometimes taking it and so, being designed by students, bringing to this time the representations of what could follow, especially through television.Educação médicaMedicina - Estudo e ensinoProfessores universitários - AvaliaçãoEscolas de medicina - BrasilParadigmas da formação do médico: elementos para a avaliação da docência nos cursos de medicinaDissertação